Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Inspirations

Gregors Room

Dark brown
Furry but hard insect legs
Large bug man
Cruel family behavior
Empty space
Swift, scurrying
Sad, lonely, depressing

I find it crazy how immediately consumed he is by his routine. Although in the beginning his body has clearly undergone a huge transformation it seems less concerning than getting ready for work. Then as his venture to the door is described it sounds so strenuous, uncomfortable, and disgusting. The family even though they were completely supported by Gregor is entirely unsympathetic to his situation and casts him out.   

Arbitrary: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than reason or system
Concede: admit to something that is true or valid after first denying it or resisting it
Fretwork: ornamental design in wood, typically open work with a fretsaw
Premonition: a strong feeling that something is going to happen
Amelioration: make something bad or unsatisfactory better

In my creation of Gregors room I used antique sepia colors because that is how I saw his room. I saw it aged and classic. I gave Gregor a hat and tie to represent his perpetual working. Although Gregor had legs in the story I chose to make him legless to represent his helplessness.